═══ 1. Title page ═══ The gnu Binary Utilities Version 2.6 May 1993 Roland H. Pesch Jeffrey M. Osier Cygnus Support Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions. ═══ 2. Top node: "Introduction" ═══ This brief manual contains preliminary documentation for the gnu binary utilities (collectively version 2.6): ar Create, modify, and extract from archives nm List symbols from object files objcopy Copy and translate object files objdump Display information from object files ranlib Generate index to archive contents size List section sizes and total size strings List printable strings from files strip Discard symbols c++filt Filter to demangle encoded C++ symbols nlmconv Converts object code into an NLM Selecting The Target System How these utilities determine the target. Index ═══ 3. ar ═══ ar [-]p[mod [relpos]] archive [member...] ar -M [ '), and continues executing even after errors. If you redirect standard input to a script file, no prompts are issued, and ar abandons execution (with a nonzero exit code) on any error. The ar command language is not designed to be equivalent to the command-line options; in fact, it provides somewhat less control over archives. The only purpose of the command language is to ease the transition to gnu ar for developers who already have scripts written for the MRI ``librarian'' program. The syntax for the ar command language is straightforward:  commands are recognized in upper or lower case; for example, LIST is the same as list. In the following descriptions, commands are shown in upper case for clarity.  a single command may appear on each line; it is the first word on the line.  empty lines are allowed, and have no effect.  comments are allowed; text after either of the characters `*' or `;' is ignored.  Whenever you use a list of names as part of the argument to an ar command, you can separate the individual names with either commas or blanks. Commas are shown in the explanations below, for clarity.  `+' is used as a line continuation character; if `+' appears at the end of a line, the text on the following line is considered part of the current command. Here are the commands you can use in ar scripts, or when using ar interactively. Three of them have special significance: OPEN or CREATE specify a current archive, which is a temporary file required for most of the other commands. SAVE commits the changes so far specified by the script. Prior to SAVE, commands affect only the temporary copy of the current archive. ADDLIB archive ADDLIB archive (module, module, ... module) Add all the contents of archive (or, if specified, each named module from archive) to the current archive. Requires prior use of OPEN or CREATE. ADDMOD member, member, ... member Add each named member as a module in the current archive. Requires prior use of OPEN or CREATE. CLEAR Discard the contents of the current archive, cancelling the effect of any operations since the last SAVE. May be executed (with no effect) even if no current archive is specified. CREATE archive Creates an archive, and makes it the current archive (required for many other commands). The new archive is created with a temporary name; it is not actually saved as archive until you use SAVE. You can overwrite existing archives; similarly, the contents of any existing file named archive will not be destroyed until SAVE. DELETE module, module, ... module Delete each listed module from the current archive; equivalent to `ar -d archive module ... module'. Requires prior use of OPEN or CREATE. DIRECTORY archive (module, ... module) DIRECTORY archive (module, ... module) outputfile List each named module present in archive. The separate command VERBOSE specifies the form of the output: when verbose output is off, output is like that of `ar -t archive module...'. When verbose output is on, the listing is like `ar -tv archive module...'. Output normally goes to the standard output stream; however, if you specify outputfile as a final argument, ar directs the output to that file. END Exit from ar, with a 0 exit code to indicate successful completion. This command does not save the output file; if you have changed the current archive since the last SAVE command, those changes are lost. EXTRACT module, module, ... module Extract each named module from the current archive, writing them into the current directory as separate files. Equivalent to `ar -x archive module...'. Requires prior use of OPEN or CREATE. LIST Display full contents of the current archive, in ``verbose'' style regardless of the state of VERBOSE. The effect is like `ar tv archive'). (This single command is a gnu ld enhancement, rather than present for MRI compatibility.) Requires prior use of OPEN or CREATE. OPEN archive Opens an existing archive for use as the current archive (required for many other commands). Any changes as the result of subsequent commands will not actually affect archive until you next use SAVE. REPLACE module, module, ... module In the current archive, replace each existing module (named in the REPLACE arguments) from files in the current working directory. To execute this command without errors, both the file, and the module in the current archive, must exist. Requires prior use of OPEN or CREATE. VERBOSE Toggle an internal flag governing the output from DIRECTORY. When the flag is on, DIRECTORY output matches output from `ar -tv '.... SAVE Commit your changes to the current archive, and actually save it as a file with the name specified in the last CREATE or OPEN command. Requires prior use of OPEN or CREATE. ═══ 4. nm ═══ nm [ -a | --debug-syms ] [ -g | --extern-only ] [ -B ] [ -C | --demangle ] [ -D | --dynamic ] [ -s | --print-armap ] [ -A | -o | --print-file-name ] [ -n | -v | --numeric-sort ] [ -p | --no-sort ] [ -r | --reverse-sort ] [ --size-sort ] [ -u | --undefined-only ] [ -t radix | --radix=radix ] [ -P | --portability ] [ --target=bfdname ] [ -f format | --format=format ] [ --no-demangle ] [ -V | --version ] [ --help ] [ objfile... ] gnu nm lists the symbols from object files objfile.... If no object files are listed as arguments, nm assumes `a.out'. For each symbol, nm shows:  The symbol value, in the radix selected by options (see below), or hexadecimal by default.  The symbol type. At least the following types are used; others are, as well, depending on the object file format. If lowercase, the symbol is local; if uppercase, the symbol is global (external). A Absolute. B BSS (uninitialized data). C Common. D Initialized data. I Indirect reference. T Text (program code). U Undefined.  The symbol name. The long and short forms of options, shown here as alternatives, are equivalent. -A -o --print-file-name Precede each symbol by the name of the input file (or archive element) in which it was found, rather than identifying the input file once only, before all of its symbols. -a --debug-syms Display all symbols, even debugger-only symbols; normally these are not listed. -B The same as `--format=bsd' (for compatibility with the MIPS nm). -C --demangle Decode (demangle) low-level symbol names into user-level names. Besides removing any initial underscore prepended by the system, this makes C++ function names readable. See c++filt, for more information on demangling. --no-demangle Do not demangle low-level symbol names. This is the default. -D --dynamic Display the dynamic symbols rather than the normal symbols. This is only meaningful for dynamic objects, such as certain types of shared libraries. -f format --format=format Use the output format format, which can be bsd, sysv, or posix. The default is bsd. Only the first character of format is significant; it can be either upper or lower case. -g --extern-only Display only external symbols. -n -v --numeric-sort Sort symbols numerically by their addresses, rather than alphabetically by their names. -p --no-sort Do not bother to sort the symbols in any order; print them in the order encountered. -P --portability Use the POSIX.2 standard output format instead of the default format. Equivalent to `-f posix'. -s --print-armap When listing symbols from archive members, include the index: a mapping (stored in the archive by ar or ranlib) of which modules contain definitions for which names. -r --reverse-sort Reverse the order of the sort (whether numeric or alphabetic); let the last come first. --size-sort Sort symbols by size. The size is computed as the difference between the value of the symbol and the value of the symbol with the next higher value. The size of the symbol is printed, rather than the value. -t radix --radix=radix Use radix as the radix for printing the symbol values. It must be `d' for decimal, `o' for octal, or `x' for hexadecimal. --target=bfdname Specify an object code format other than your system's default format. See Target Selection, for more information. -u --undefined-only Display only undefined symbols (those external to each object file). -V --version Show the version number of nm and exit. --help Show a summary of the options to nm and exit. ═══ 5. objcopy ═══ objcopy [ -F bfdname | --target=bfdname ] [ -I bfdname | --input-target=bfdname ] [ -O bfdname | --output-target=bfdname ] [ -S | --strip-all ] [ -g | --strip-debug ] [ -K symbolname | --keep-symbol=symbolname ] [ -N symbolname | --strip-symbol=symbolname ] [ -x | --discard-all ] [ -X | --discard-locals ] [ -b byte | --byte=byte ] [ -i interleave | --interleave=interleave ] [ -R sectionname | --remove-section=sectionname ] [ --gap-fill=val ] [ --pad-to=address ] [ --set-start=val ] [ --adjust-start=incr ] [ --adjust-vma=incr ] [ --adjust-section-vma=section{=,+,-}val ] [ --adjust-warnings ] [ --no-adjust-warnings ] [ --set-section-flags=section=flags ] [ --add-section=sectionname=filename ] [ -v | --verbose ] [ -V | --version ] [ --help ] infile [outfile] The gnu objcopy utility copies the contents of an object file to another. objcopy uses the gnu bfd Library to read and write the object files. It can write the destination object file in a format different from that of the source object file. The exact behavior of objcopy is controlled by command-line options. objcopy creates temporary files to do its translations and deletes them afterward. objcopy uses bfd to do all its translation work; it has access to all the formats described in bfd and thus is able to recognize most formats without being told explicitly. See BFD. objcopy can be used to generate S-records by using an output target of `srec' (e.g., use `-O srec'). objcopy can be used to generate a raw binary file by using an output target of `binary' (e.g., use `-O binary'). When objcopy generates a raw binary file, it will essentially produce a memory dump of the contents of the input object file. All symbols and relocation information will be discarded. The memory dump will start at the virtual address of the lowest section copied into the output file. When generating an S-record or a raw binary file, it may be helpful to use `-S' to remove sections containing debugging information. In some cases `-R' will be useful to remove sections which contain information which is not needed by the binary file. infile outfile The source and output files, respectively. If you do not specify outfile, objcopy creates a temporary file and destructively renames the result with the name of infile. -I bfdname --input-target=bfdname Consider the source file's object format to be bfdname, rather than attempting to deduce it. See Target Selection, for more information. -O bfdname --output-target=bfdname Write the output file using the object format bfdname. See Target Selection, for more information. -F bfdname --target=bfdname Use bfdname as the object format for both the input and the output file; i.e., simply transfer data from source to destination with no translation. See Target Selection, for more information. -R sectionname --remove-section=sectionname Remove any section named sectionname from the output file. This option may be given more than once. Note that using this option inappropriately may make the output file unusable. -S --strip-all Do not copy relocation and symbol information from the source file. -g --strip-debug Do not copy debugging symbols from the source file. --strip-unneeded Strip all symbols that are not needed for relocation processing. -K symbolname --keep-symbol=symbolname Copy only symbol symbolname from the source file. This option may be given more than once. -N symbolname --strip-symbol=symbolname Do not copy symbol symbolname from the source file. This option may be given more than once, and may be combined with strip options other than -K. -x --discard-all Do not copy non-global symbols from the source file. -X --discard-locals Do not copy compiler-generated local symbols. (These usually start with `L' or `.'.) -b byte --byte=byte Keep only every byteth byte of the input file (header data is not affected). byte can be in the range from 0 to interleave-1, where interleave is given by the `-i' or `--interleave' option, or the default of 4. This option is useful for creating files to program rom. It is typically used with an srec output target. -i interleave --interleave=interleave Only copy one out of every interleave bytes. Select which byte to copy with the -b or `--byte' option. The default is 4. objcopy ignores this option if you do not specify either `-b' or `--byte'. --gap-fill val Fill gaps between sections with val. This is done by increasing the size of the section with the lower address, and filling in the extra space created with val. --pad-to address Pad the output file up to the virtual address address. This is done by increasing the size of the last section. The extra space is filled in with the value specified by `--gap-fill' (default zero). --set-start val Set the address of the new file to val. Not all object file formats support setting the start address. --adjust-start incr Adjust the start address by adding incr. Not all object file formats support setting the start address. --adjust-vma incr Adjust the address of all sections, as well as the start address, by adding incr. Some object file formats do not permit section addresses to be changed arbitrarily. Note that this does not relocate the sections; if the program expects sections to be loaded at a certain address, and this option is used to change the sections such that they are loaded at a different address, the program may fail. --adjust-section-vma section{=,+,-}val Set or adjust the address of the named section. If `=' is used, the section address is set to val. Otherwise, val is added to or subtracted from the section address. See the comments under `--adjust-vma', above. If section does not exist in the input file, a warning will be issued, unless `--no-adjust-warnings' is used. --adjust-warnings If `--adjust-section-vma' is used, and the named section does not exist, issue a warning. This is the default. --no-adjust-warnings Do not issue a warning if `--adjust-section-vma' is used, even if the named section does not exist. --set-section-flags section=flags Set the flags for the named section. The flags argument is a comma separated string of flag names. The recognized names are `alloc', `load', `readonly', `code', `data', and `rom'. Not all flags are meaningful for all object file formats. --add-section sectionname=filename Add a new section named sectionname while copying the file. The contents of the new section are taken from the file filename. The size of the section will be the size of the file. This option only works on file formats which can support sections with arbitrary names. -V --version Show the version number of objcopy. -v --verbose Verbose output: list all object files modified. In the case of archives, `objcopy -V' lists all members of the archive. --help Show a summary of the options to objcopy. ═══ 6. objdump ═══ objdump [ -a | --archive-headers ] [ -b bfdname | --target=bfdname ] [ -d | --disassemble ] [ -D | --disassemble-all ] [ -f | --file-headers ] [ -h | --section-headers | --headers ] [ -i | --info ] [ -j section | --section=section ] [ -l | --line-numbers ] [ -S | --source ] [ -m machine | --architecture=machine ] [ -r | --reloc ] [ -R | --dynamic-reloc ] [ -s | --full-contents ] [ --stabs ] [ -t | --syms ] [ -T | --dynamic-syms ] [ -x | --all-headers ] [ -w | --wide ] [ --start-address=address ] [ --stop-address=address ] [ --version ] [ --help ] objfile... objdump displays information about one or more object files. The options control what particular information to display. This information is mostly useful to programmers who are working on the compilation tools, as opposed to programmers who just want their program to compile and work. objfile... are the object files to be examined. When you specify archives, objdump shows information on each of the member object files. The long and short forms of options, shown here as alternatives, are equivalent. At least one option besides `-l' must be given. -a --archive-header If any of the objfile files are archives, display the archive header information (in a format similar to `ls -l'). Besides the information you could list with `ar tv', `objdump -a' shows the object file format of each archive member. -b bfdname --target=bfdname Specify that the object-code format for the object files is bfdname. This option may not be necessary; objdump can automatically recognize many formats. For example, objdump -b oasys -m vax -h fu.o displays summary information from the section headers (`-h') of `fu.o', which is explicitly identified (`-m') as a VAX object file in the format produced by Oasys compilers. You can list the formats available with the `-i' option. See Target Selection, for more information. -d --disassemble Display the assembler mnemonics for the machine instructions from objfile. This option only disassembles those sections which are expected to contain instructions. -D --disassemble-all Like `-d', but disassemble the contents of all sections, not just those expected to contain instructions. -f --file-header Display summary information from the overall header of each of the objfile files. -h --section-header --header Display summary information from the section headers of the object file. File segments may be relocated to nonstandard addresses, for example by using the `-Ttext', `-Tdata', or `-Tbss' options to ld. However, some object file formats, such as a.out, do not store the starting address of the file segments. In those situations, although ld relocates the sections correctly, using `objdump -h' to list the file section headers cannot show the correct addresses. Instead, it shows the usual addresses, which are implicit for the target. --help Print a summary of the options to objdump and exit. -i --info Display a list showing all architectures and object formats available for specification with `-b' or `-m'. -j name --section=name Display information only for section name. -l --line-numbers Label the display (using debugging information) with the filename and source line numbers corresponding to the object code shown. Only useful with `-d' or `-D'. -m machine --architecture=machine Specify that the object files objfile are for architecture machine. You can list available architectures using the `-i' option. -r --reloc Print the relocation entries of the file. If used with `-d' or `-D', the relocations are printed interspersed with the disassembly. -R --dynamic-reloc Print the dynamic relocation entries of the file. This is only meaningful for dynamic objects, such as certain types of shared libraries. -s --full-contents Display the full contents of any sections requested. -S --source Display source code intermixed with disassembly, if possible. Implies `-d'. --stabs Display the full contents of any sections requested. Display the contents of the .stab and .stab.index and .stab.excl sections from an ELF file. This is only useful on systems (such as Solaris 2.0) in which .stab debugging symbol-table entries are carried in an ELF section. In most other file formats, debugging symbol-table entries are interleaved with linkage symbols, and are visible in the `--syms' output. --start-address=address Start displaying data at the specified address. This affects the output of the -d, -r and -s options. --stop-address=address Stop displaying data at the specified address. This affects the output of the -d, -r and -s options. -t --syms Print the symbol table entries of the file. This is similar to the information provided by the `nm' program. -T --dynamic-syms Print the dynamic symbol table entries of the file. This is only meaningful for dynamic objects, such as certain types of shared libraries. This is similar to the information provided by the `nm' program when given the `-D' (`--dynamic') option. --version Print the version number of objdump and exit. -x --all-header Display all available header information, including the symbol table and relocation entries. Using `-x' is equivalent to specifying all of `-a -f -h -r -t'. -w --wide Format some lines for output devices that have more than 80 columns. ═══ 7. ranlib ═══ ranlib [-vV] archive ranlib generates an index to the contents of an archive and stores it in the archive. The index lists each symbol defined by a member of an archive that is a relocatable object file. You may use `nm -s' or `nm --print-armap' to list this index. An archive with such an index speeds up linking to the library and allows routines in the library to call each other without regard to their placement in the archive. The gnu ranlib program is another form of gnu ar; running ranlib is completely equivalent to executing `ar -s'. See ar. -v -V Show the version number of ranlib. ═══ 8. size ═══ size [ -A | -B | --format=compatibility ] [ --help ] [ -d | -o | -x | --radix=number ] [ --target=bfdname ] [ -V | --version ] objfile... The gnu size utility lists the section sizes---and the total size---for each of the object or archive files objfile in its argument list. By default, one line of output is generated for each object file or each module in an archive. objfile... are the object files to be examined. The command line options have the following meanings: -A -B --format=compatibility Using one of these options, you can choose whether the output from gnu size resembles output from System V size (using `-A', or `--format=sysv'), or Berkeley size (using `-B', or `--format=berkeley'). The default is the one-line format similar to Berkeley's. Here is an example of the Berkeley (default) format of output from size: size --format=Berkeley ranlib size text data bss dec hex filename 294880 81920 11592 388392 5ed28 ranlib 294880 81920 11888 388688 5ee50 size This is the same data, but displayed closer to System V conventions: size --format=SysV ranlib size ranlib : section size addr .text 294880 8192 .data 81920 303104 .bss 11592 385024 Total 388392 size : section size addr .text 294880 8192 .data 81920 303104 .bss 11888 385024 Total 388688 --help Show a summary of acceptable arguments and options. -d -o -x --radix=number Using one of these options, you can control whether the size of each section is given in decimal (`-d', or `--radix=10'); octal (`-o', or `--radix=8'); or hexadecimal (`-x', or `--radix=16'). In `--radix=number', only the three values (8, 10, 16) are supported. The total size is always given in two radices; decimal and hexadecimal for `-d' or `-x' output, or octal and hexadecimal if you're using `-o'. --target=bfdname Specify that the object-code format for objfile is bfdname. This option may not be necessary; size can automatically recognize many formats. See Target Selection, for more information. -V --version Display the version number of size. ═══ 9. strings ═══ strings [-afov] [-min-len] [-n min-len] [-t radix] [-] [--all] [--print-file-name] [--bytes=min-len] [--radix=radix] [--target=bfdname] [--help] [--version] file... For each file given, gnu strings prints the printable character sequences that are at least 4 characters long (or the number given with the options below) and are followed by an unprintable character. By default, it only prints the strings from the initialized and loaded sections of object files; for other types of files, it prints the strings from the whole file. strings is mainly useful for determining the contents of non-text files. -a --all - Do not scan only the initialized and loaded sections of object files; scan the whole files. -f --print-file-name Print the name of the file before each string. --help Print a summary of the program usage on the standard output and exit. -min-len -n min-len --bytes=min-len Print sequences of characters that are at least min-len characters long, instead of the default 4. -o Like `-t o'. Some other versions of strings have `-o' act like `-t d' instead. Since we can not be compatible with both ways, we simply chose one. -t radix --radix=radix Print the offset within the file before each string. The single character argument specifies the radix of the offset---`o' for octal, `x' for hexadecimal, or `d' for decimal. --target=bfdname Specify an object code format other than your system's default format. See Target Selection, for more information. -v --version Print the program version number on the standard output and exit. ═══ 10. strip ═══ strip [ -F bfdname | --target=bfdname | --target=bfdname ] [ -I bfdname | --input-target=bfdname ] [ -O bfdname | --output-target=bfdname ] [ -s | --strip-all ] [ -S | -g | --strip-debug ] [ -K symbolname | --keep-symbol=symbolname ] [ -N symbolname | --strip-symbol=symbolname ] [ -x | --discard-all ] [ -X | --discard-locals ] [ -R sectionname | --remove-section=sectionname ] [ -v | --verbose ] [ -V | --version ] [ --help ] objfile... gnu strip discards all symbols from object files objfile. The list of object files may include archives. At least one object file must be given. strip modifies the files named in its argument, rather than writing modified copies under different names. -F bfdname --target=bfdname Treat the original objfile as a file with the object code format bfdname, and rewrite it in the same format. See Target Selection, for more information. --help Show a summary of the options to strip and exit. -I bfdname --input-target=bfdname Treat the original objfile as a file with the object code format bfdname. See Target Selection, for more information. -O bfdname --output-target=bfdname Replace objfile with a file in the output format bfdname. See Target Selection, for more information. -R sectionname --remove-section=sectionname Remove any section named sectionname from the output file. This option may be given more than once. Note that using this option inappropriately may make the output file unusable. -s --strip-all Remove all symbols. -g -S --strip-debug Remove debugging symbols only. --strip-unneeded Remove all symbols that are not needed for relocation processing. -K symbolname --keep-symbol=symbolname Keep only symbol symbolname from the source file. This option may be given more than once. -N symbolname --strip-symbol=symbolname Remove symbol symbolname from the source file. This option may be given more than once, and may be combined with strip options other than -K. -x --discard-all Remove non-global symbols. -X --discard-locals Remove compiler-generated local symbols. (These usually start with `L' or `.'.) -V --version Show the version number for strip. -v --verbose Verbose output: list all object files modified. In the case of archives, `strip -v' lists all members of the archive. ═══ 11. c++filt ═══ c++filt [ -_ | --strip-underscores ] u[ -n | --no-strip-underscores ] [ -s format | --format=format ] [ --help ] [ --version ] [ symbol... ] The C++ language provides function overloading, which means that you can write many functions with the same name (providing each takes parameters of different types). All C++ function names are encoded into a low-level assembly label (this process is known as mangling). The c++filt program does the inverse mapping: it decodes (demangles) low-level names into user-level names so that the linker can keep these overloaded functions from clashing. Every alphanumeric word (consisting of letters, digits, underscores, dollars, or periods) seen in the input is a potential label. If the label decodes into a C++ name, the C++ name replaces the low-level name in the output. You can use c++filt to decipher individual symbols: c++filt symbol If no symbol arguments are given, c++filt reads symbol names from the standard input and writes the demangled names to the standard output. All results are printed on the standard output. -_ --strip-underscores On some systems, both the C and C++ compilers put an underscore in front of every name. For example, the C name foo gets the low-level name _foo. This option removes the initial underscore. Whether c++filt removes the underscore by default is target dependent. -n --no-strip-underscores Do not remove the initial underscore. -s format --format=format gnu nm can decode three different methods of mangling, used by different C++ compilers. The argument to this option selects which method it uses: gnu the one used by the gnu compiler (the default method) lucid the one used by the Lucid compiler arm the one specified by the C++ Annotated Reference Manual --help Print a summary of the options to c++filt and exit. --version Print the version number of c++filt and exit. Warning: c++filt is a new utility, and the details of its user interface are subject to change in future releases. In particular, a command-line option may be required in the the future to decode a name passed as an argument on the command line; in other words, c++filt symbol may in a future release become c++filt option symbol ═══ 12. nlmconv ═══ nlmconv converts a relocatable object file into a NetWare Loadable Module. Warning: nlmconv is not always built as part of the binary utilities, since it is only useful for NLM targets. nlmconv [ -I bfdname | --input-target=bfdname ] [ -O bfdname | --output-target=bfdname ] [ -T headerfile | --header-file=headerfile ] [ -d | --debug] [ -l linker | --linker=linker ] [ -h | --help ] [ -V | --version ] infile outfile nlmconv converts the relocatable `i386' object file infile into the NetWare Loadable Module outfile, optionally reading headerfile for NLM header information. For instructions on writing the NLM command file language used in header files, see the `linkers' section, `NLMLINK' in particular, of the NLM Development and Tools Overview, which is part of the NLM Software Developer's Kit (``NLM SDK''), available from Novell, Inc. nlmconv uses the gnu Binary File Descriptor library to read infile; see BFD, for more information. nlmconv can perform a link step. In other words, you can list more than one object file for input if you list them in the definitions file (rather than simply specifying one input file on the command line). In this case, nlmconv calls the linker for you. -I bfdname --input-target=bfdname Object format of the input file. nlmconv can usually determine the format of a given file (so no default is necessary). See Target Selection, for more information. -O bfdname --output-target=bfdname Object format of the output file. nlmconv infers the output format based on the input format, e.g. for a `i386' input file the output format is `nlm32-i386'. See Target Selection, for more information. -T headerfile --header-file=headerfile Reads headerfile for NLM header information. For instructions on writing the NLM command file language used in header files, see@ see the `linkers' section, of the NLM Development and Tools Overview, which is part of the NLM Software Developer's Kit, available from Novell, Inc. -d --debug Displays (on standard error) the linker command line used by nlmconv. -l linker --linker=linker Use linker for any linking. linker can be an abosolute or a relative pathname. -h --help Prints a usage summary. -V --version Prints the version number for nlmconv. ═══ 13. Selecting the target system ═══ You can specify three aspects of the target system to the gnu binary file utilities, each in several ways:  the target  the architecture  the linker emulation (which applies to the linker only) In the following summaries, the lists of ways to specify values are in order of decreasing precedence. The ways listed first override those listed later. The commands to list valid values only list the values for which the programs you are running were configured. If they were configured with `--enable-targets=all', the commands list most of the available values, but a few are left out; not all targets can be configured in at once because some of them can only be configured native (on hosts with the same type as the target system). Target Selection Architecture Selection Linker Emulation Selection ═══ 13.1. Target Selection ═══ A target is an object file format. A given target may be supported for multiple architectures (see Architecture Selection). A target selection may also have variations for different operating systems or architectures. The command to list valid target values is `objdump -i' (the first column of output contains the relevant information). Some sample values are: `a.out-hp300bsd', `ecoff-littlemips', `a.out-sunos-big'. objdump Target Ways to specify: 1. command line option: `-b' or `--target' 2. environment variable GNUTARGET 3. deduced from the input file objcopy and strip Input Target Ways to specify: 1. command line options: `-I' or `--input-target', or `-F' or `--target' 2. environment variable GNUTARGET 3. deduced from the input file objcopy and strip Output Target Ways to specify: 1. command line options: `-O' or `--output-target', or `-F' or `--target' 2. the input target (see ``objcopy and strip Input Target'' above) 3. environment variable GNUTARGET 4. deduced from the input file nm, size, and strings Target Ways to specify: 1. command line option: `--target' 2. environment variable GNUTARGET 3. deduced from the input file Linker Input Target Ways to specify: 1. command line option: `-b' or `--format' (see Options) 2. script command TARGET (see Option Commands) 3. environment variable GNUTARGET (see Environment) 4. the default target of the selected linker emulation (see Linker Emulation Selection) Linker Output Target Ways to specify: 1. command line option: `-oformat' (see Options) 2. script command OUTPUT_FORMAT (see Option Commands) 3. the linker input target (see ``Linker Input Target'' above) ═══ 13.2. Architecture selection ═══ An architecture is a type of cpu on which an object file is to run. Its name may contain a colon, separating the name of the processor family from the name of the particular cpu. The command to list valid architecture values is `objdump -i' (the second column contains the relevant information). Sample values: `m68k:68020', `mips:3000', `sparc'. objdump Architecture Ways to specify: 1. command line option: `-m' or `--architecture' 2. deduced from the input file objcopy, nm, size, strings Architecture Ways to specify: 1. deduced from the input file Linker Input Architecture Ways to specify: 1. deduced from the input file Linker Output Architecture Ways to specify: 1. script command OUTPUT_ARCH (see Option Commands) 2. the default architecture from the linker output target (see Target Selection) ═══ 13.3. Linker emulation selection ═══ A linker emulation is a ``personality'' of the linker, which gives the linker default values for the other aspects of the target system. In particular, it consists of  the linker script  the target  several ``hook'' functions that are run at certain stages of the linking process to do special things that some targets require The command to list valid linker emulation values is `ld -V'. Sample values: `hp300bsd', `mipslit', `sun4'. Ways to specify: 1. command line option: `-m' (see Options) 2. environment variable LDEMULATION 3. compiled-in DEFAULT_EMULATION from `Makefile', which comes from EMUL in `config/target.mt' ═══ 14. Index ═══ Sorry, no cp index